Sec. 17.2. Abbreviations

BFE: Base FloodClosed The flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year based on current conditions hydrology. Elevation

BMP: Best Management Practices

BOA: Board of Adjustment

CC: Commercial Center

CD: Compact Design

CD-C: Compact Design – Core

CD-P: Compact Design – Pedestrian Business

CD-S1: Compact Design – Support 1

CD-S2: Compact Design – Support 2

CG: General Commercial

CI: Commercial Infill

CLOMR: Conditional Letter of Map Revision

CN: Neighborhood Commercial

CSD: Compact Suburban Design

CSD-C: Compact Suburban Design-Core

CSD-S1: Compact Suburban Design-Support 1

CSD-S2: Compact Suburban Design-Support 2

dbh: Diameter at breast height

DD: Downtown Design

DD-C: Downtown Design – Core

DD-S1: Downtown Design – Support 1

DD-S2: Downtown Design – Support 2

DENR: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources

DEQ: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality

DOST: Durham Open SpaceClosed Areas of a development that allow for light, air, wildlife habitat, and for scenic and recreational use. Also included are areas designed to enhance the privacy or general appearance of a development. Private open space is open space that is owned by a corporation, individual, or house owners association. Public open space is open space owned by a governmental jurisdiction. and Trails Commission

DWR or Division: North Carolina Division of Water Resources

FAR: Floor AreaClosed Area of enclosed (i.e. roofed and walled) built space, excluding any unfinished area used exclusively for storage or mechanical elements. Ratio

Fc: Foot-candles

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management AgencyClosed A sales or service establishment dealing in services or intangible commodities, or commodities not on site, such as a broker's office, travel agency, temporary employee agency, etc.

FIRM: Flood InsuranceClosed The insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program. Rate Map

FIS: Flood InsuranceClosed The insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program. Study

GIS: Geographic Information System

(-H): Historic District Overlay

HAG: Highest AdjacentClosed Property abutting directly on the boundary of, touching, or sharing a common point. GradeClosed A land disturbing activity that modifies the contours of the land.

HPC: Historic Preservation Commission

HQW: High Quality WaterClosed Those classified as such in Title 15A NCAC 2B.0101(e)(5) general procedures, which is incorporated herein by reference to include further amendments pursuant to NCGS § 150b-14(c).

I: Industrial

IL: Light Industrial

IP: Industrial Park

JCCPC: Joint City-County Planning Committee

L: Permitted Subject to Limitations

LAG: Lowest AdjacentClosed Property abutting directly on the boundary of, touching, or sharing a common point. GradeClosed A land disturbing activity that modifies the contours of the land.

Ldn: Day-night average sound levelClosed The average noise level over a 24-hour period, weighted by 10 dB between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.

LOMR: Letter of Map Revision

m or M: Minor or Major Special UseClosed The purpose for which a building, structure, or area of land may be arranged or occupied or the activity conducted or proposed in a building, structure, or on an area of land. Permit, respectively

MU: Mixed UseClosed The purpose for which a building, structure, or area of land may be arranged or occupied or the activity conducted or proposed in a building, structure, or on an area of land.

MUTCD: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

NCDOT: North Carolina Department of Transportation

NCGS: North Carolina General Statute

NRCS: Natural Resource Conservation Service

NFIP: National Flood InsuranceClosed The insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program. Program

NGVD: National Geodetic Vertical Datum

OI: OfficeClosed A room, group of rooms, or building whose primary use is the conduct of a business, professional service, or governmental activity of a non-retail nature; including administration, record keeping, clerical work, and similar functions. This definition is not meant to include manufacturing, processing, repair, or storage of materials or products. Institutional

P: Permitted UseClosed The purpose for which a building, structure, or area of land may be arranged or occupied or the activity conducted or proposed in a building, structure, or on an area of land.

PDR: Planned DensityClosed The number of dwelling units per gross acre, excluding accessory residences or dwelling units, or any other exclusion within this Ordinance. Residential

RC: Residential Compact

ROW: Right-of-wayClosed A strip of land acquired by reservation, dedication, prescription or condemnation and intended to be occupied by a street, trail, rail corridor, or public utility.

RR: Residential Rural

RS: Residential Suburban

RU: Residential Urban

SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act

SFHA: Special Flood Hazard Area

SRP: Science Research Park

SRP-C: Science Research Park – Center

SUP: Special UseClosed The purpose for which a building, structure, or area of land may be arranged or occupied or the activity conducted or proposed in a building, structure, or on an area of land. Permit

TDM: Transportation Demand Management

TIA: Traffic Impact Analysis

TUA: Transitional UseClosed The purpose for which a building, structure, or area of land may be arranged or occupied or the activity conducted or proposed in a building, structure, or on an area of land. Areas

UC: University and College

UDO: Unified DevelopmentClosed Pursuant to NCGS 160D-102, any of the following: a. The construction, erection, alteration, enlargement, renovation, substantial repair, movement to another site, or demolition of any structure. b. The excavation, grading, filling, clearing, or alteration of land. c. The subdivision of land as defined in G.S. 160D-802. d. The initiation or substantial change in the use of land or the intensity of use of land. Ordinance

USDA: United States Department of Agriculture

USGS: United States Geologic Survey

WSE: Water Surface Elevation

(-A60, -A65): AirportClosed A place where aircraft can takeoff and land, be repaired, take on or discharge passengers or cargo, be stored or refueled. Overlay

(-MTC): Major Transportation Corridor Overlay

(-P): Neighborhood Protection Overlay

(-TO): Transitional OfficeClosed A room, group of rooms, or building whose primary use is the conduct of a business, professional service, or governmental activity of a non-retail nature; including administration, record keeping, clerical work, and similar functions. This definition is not meant to include manufacturing, processing, repair, or storage of materials or products. Overlay