Sec. 17.2. Abbreviations
BFE: Base Flood The flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year based on current conditions hydrology. Elevation
BMP: Best Management Practices
BOA: Board of Adjustment
CC: Commercial Center
CD: Compact Design
CD-C: Compact Design – Core
CD-P: Compact Design – Pedestrian Business
CD-S1: Compact Design – Support 1
CD-S2: Compact Design – Support 2
CG: General Commercial
CI: Commercial Infill
CLOMR: Conditional Letter of Map Revision
CN: Neighborhood Commercial
CSD: Compact Suburban Design
CSD-C: Compact Suburban Design-Core
CSD-S1: Compact Suburban Design-Support 1
CSD-S2: Compact Suburban Design-Support 2
dbh: Diameter at breast height
DD: Downtown Design
DD-C: Downtown Design – Core
DD-S1: Downtown Design – Support 1
DD-S2: Downtown Design – Support 2
DENR: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DEQ: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
DWR or Division: North Carolina Division of Water Resources
Fc: Foot-candles
FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency A sales or service establishment dealing in services or intangible commodities, or commodities not on site, such as a broker's office, travel agency, temporary employee agency, etc.
FIRM: Flood Insurance The insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program. Rate Map
FIS: Flood Insurance The insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program. Study
GIS: Geographic Information System
(-H): Historic District Overlay
HAG: Highest Adjacent Property abutting directly on the boundary of, touching, or sharing a common point. Grade A land disturbing activity that modifies the contours of the land.
HPC: Historic Preservation Commission
I: Industrial
IL: Light Industrial
IP: Industrial Park
JCCPC: Joint City-County Planning Committee
L: Permitted Subject to Limitations
LAG: Lowest Adjacent Property abutting directly on the boundary of, touching, or sharing a common point. Grade A land disturbing activity that modifies the contours of the land.
LOMR: Letter of Map Revision
m or M: Minor or Major Special Use The purpose for which a building, structure, or area of land may be arranged or occupied or the activity conducted or proposed in a building, structure, or on an area of land. Permit, respectively
MUTCD: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
NCDOT: North Carolina Department of Transportation
NCGS: North Carolina General Statute
NRCS: Natural Resource Conservation Service
NFIP: National Flood Insurance The insurance coverage provided under the National Flood Insurance Program. Program
NGVD: National Geodetic Vertical Datum
PDR: Planned Density The number of dwelling units per gross acre, excluding accessory residences or dwelling units, or any other exclusion within this Ordinance. Residential
RC: Residential Compact
RR: Residential Rural
RS: Residential Suburban
RU: Residential Urban
SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
SFHA: Special Flood Hazard Area
SRP: Science Research Park
SRP-C: Science Research Park – Center
SUP: Special Use The purpose for which a building, structure, or area of land may be arranged or occupied or the activity conducted or proposed in a building, structure, or on an area of land. Permit
TDM: Transportation Demand Management
TIA: Traffic Impact Analysis
TUA: Transitional Use The purpose for which a building, structure, or area of land may be arranged or occupied or the activity conducted or proposed in a building, structure, or on an area of land. Areas
UC: University and College
USDA: United States Department of Agriculture
USGS: United States Geologic Survey
WSE: Water Surface Elevation
(-A60, -A65): Airport A place where aircraft can takeoff and land, be repaired, take on or discharge passengers or cargo, be stored or refueled. Overlay
(-MTC): Major Transportation Corridor Overlay
(-P): Neighborhood Protection Overlay