Sec. 4.11. Watershed Protection Overlay
4.11.1. Purpose
A. The purpose of the Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Protection Overlay is to preserve the quality of the region's drinking water supplies through application of the development Pursuant to NCGS 160D-102, any of the following: a. The construction, erection, alteration, enlargement, renovation, substantial repair, movement to another site, or demolition of any structure. b. The excavation, grading, filling, clearing, or alteration of land. c. The subdivision of land as defined in G.S. 160D-802. d. The initiation or substantial change in the use of land or the intensity of use of land. standards in Article 8, Environmental Protection. In general, water supply protection will be accomplished by establishing and maintaining low intensity land use and development Pursuant to NCGS 160D-102, any of the following: a. The construction, erection, alteration, enlargement, renovation, substantial repair, movement to another site, or demolition of any structure. b. The excavation, grading, filling, clearing, or alteration of land. c. The subdivision of land as defined in G.S. 160D-802. d. The initiation or substantial change in the use of land or the intensity of use of land. on land near the region's water supply rivers and reservoirs. Where high density The number of dwelling units per gross acre, excluding accessory residences or dwelling units, or any other exclusion within this Ordinance. development Pursuant to NCGS 160D-102, any of the following: a. The construction, erection, alteration, enlargement, renovation, substantial repair, movement to another site, or demolition of any structure. b. The excavation, grading, filling, clearing, or alteration of land. c. The subdivision of land as defined in G.S. 160D-802. d. The initiation or substantial change in the use of land or the intensity of use of land. is desired, water supply protection will be accomplished through the use of engineered stormwater The flow of water which results from precipitation and which occurs immediately following rainfall or snowmelt. controls. The overall objective is to:
1. Reduce the risk of pollution from stormwater The flow of water which results from precipitation and which occurs immediately following rainfall or snowmelt. running off of paved and other impervious surfaces A surface composed of any material that impedes or prevents natural infiltration of water into the soil and qualifies as “built-upon area” as defined by NCGS 143-214.7, as amended.; and
2. Reduce the risk of discharges of hazardous and toxic materials into the natural drainage system tributary to drinking water supplies.
B. Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. protection regulations shall be adopted by the City of Durham and Durham County in accordance with the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, Title 15A NCAC 2B .0100, .0200 and .0300, (adopted pursuant to NCGS §143-214.5) and in accordance with NCGS Chapter 160D.
4.11.2. Establishment of the Districts
A. The following six Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlays shall be established for lands within the watersheds All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. of public drinking water rivers and reservoirs. Each Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlay is divided into two areas, a Critical Area (A) and a Protected Area (B), based on their distance from the protected water supply and ridge lines that define the drainage basin.
Overlay |
Designation |
General Location |
M/LR-A |
Lake Michie/Little River District A |
One mile from the 341 foot MSL normal pool of Lake Michie and from the 355 foot MSL normal pool of the Little River Reservoir, or to the ridge lines defining their drainage basins, whichever is less. |
M/LR-B |
Lake Michie/Little River District B |
The portion of the drainage basins of Lake Michie and the Little River Reservoir not covered by M/LR-A. |
F/J-A |
Falls/Jordan District A |
One mile from the 251.5 foot MSL normal pool of Falls Reservoir and from the 216 foot MSL normal pool of the Jordan Reservoir, or to the ridge lines defining their drainage basins, whichever is less. |
F/J-B |
Falls/Jordan District B |
From the edge of F/J-A Overlay to five miles from the normal pool of the Falls Reservoir and the Jordan Reservoir, or to the ridge lines that define their drainage basins, whichever is less. |
E-A |
Eno River District A |
One mile from and draining to the Eno River water intake. |
E-A(2) | Eno River District A2 | One half mile from and draining to the Teer Quarry Eno River water intake. |
E-B |
Eno River District B |
From the edge of E-A to 10 miles from the Eno River water intake, or to the ridge lines that define the drainage area of the intake, whichever is less. |
B. The general boundaries of the Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlays are defined by the distance from the normal pool and ridge line criteria described above, with rights-of-way and property lines used to determine inclusion or exclusion in the Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlay.
C. The general boundaries and the parcels See “Lot of record.” included within these boundaries are shown on the map entitled "Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlays Parcels See “Lot of record.” Map", which is included by reference and adopted as part of this Ordinance.
D. Where a general boundary crosses a parcel See “Lot of record.”, parcels See “Lot of record.” one-half acre or less shall be excluded from the Overlay, and parcels See “Lot of record.” greater than one-half acre shall be included. Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the parcels See “Lot of record.” included in each Overlay and their Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlay designation shall be shown on the Official Zoning Map.
4.11.3. Rules for Interpretation of Overlay Boundaries
A. When a property is divided by one or more of the arcs representing the one half-mile, the one-mile, or the five-mile distance from the reservoir, or by the ridgeline that defines the water supply reservoir, a request can be submitted for an interpretation of the Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlay boundary through the City-County Planning Department. The request can be submitted by any individual and shall include sufficient information to enable the Planning Director to make a recommendation to the governing body and NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC), as appropriate.
B. For all requests, the Planning Director will evaluate the request and will seek approval from the appropriate governing body for submission to the NC Environmental Management Commission (EMC). Upon such approval, the Planning Director will submit the proposed Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlay boundary change to the EMC, in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0104(o). Upon approval by the EMC, the Planning Director will complete the interpretation and modify the Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlay boundary in accordance with the interpretation. All such changes shall be shown on the Official Zoning Map and the Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlays Parcels See “Lot of record.” Map, which shall be maintained by the Planning Department.
Commentary: The NC Administrative Code, in Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0104(o), states that all revisions (expansions and deletions) to the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) adopted critical and protected area boundaries or to the local government’s interpreted critical and protected area boundaries must be approved by the EMC prior to adoption by the local government.
C. The Planning Director, or designee, shall interpolate the general boundary as shown on the Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlays Parcels See “Lot of record.” Map, but may vary it to exclude lots of one-half acre or less in a proposed subdivision All divisions of a tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, building sites, or other divisions for the purpose of sale or building development (whether immediate or future) or any division of land involving the dedication of a new street or a change in existing streets.. In addition, the Planning Director, or designee, may use identifiable physical features, such as roads See “Street, Public” and “Street, Private.”, streams A body of concentrated flowing water in a natural low area or natural channel on the land surface. or easements A grant by a property owner for use by the public, a corporation or persons of an area of land for specific purposes., as boundaries if they approximately coincide with the interpolated general Overlay boundary. All such changes shall be shown on the Development Pursuant to NCGS 160D-102, any of the following: a. The construction, erection, alteration, enlargement, renovation, substantial repair, movement to another site, or demolition of any structure. b. The excavation, grading, filling, clearing, or alteration of land. c. The subdivision of land as defined in G.S. 160D-802. d. The initiation or substantial change in the use of land or the intensity of use of land. Tier Map, the Official Zoning Map, and the Watershed All of the land area draining to a particular point on a water course or to a water body. Overlays Parcels See “Lot of record.” Map, which shall be maintained by the Planning Department.
4.11.4. Nonresidential Land Use Restrictions
Nonresidential land uses shall be restricted in accordance with the following table and Sec. 8.7, Watershed Protection Overlay Standards.