Article 9: Landscaping and Buffering
Sec. 9.1. General
9.1.1. Purpose
The standards of this section provide for the preservation of existing vegetation and for the installation and maintenance of new vegetation and other landscape architectural features. The purpose of these standards is to:
A. Improve property and community appearance without compromising community safety, including minimization of the offsite visual impact of extensive land disturbance;
B. Allow for the ecological benefits provided by plant materials, including protection of land from unnecessary erosion The wearing away of land surface by the action of wind, water, gravity or any combination thereof. and watercourse A lake, river, creek, stream, wash, channel or other topographic feature on or over which waters flow at least periodically. Watercourse includes specifically designated areas in which substantial flood damage may occur. sedimentation Solid particulate matter, both mineral and organic, that has been, or is being, transported by water, air, gravity or ice from its site of origin., reduction of stormwater runoff The direct runoff of water resulting from precipitation in any form., improvement of air quality, and provision of wildlife habitat;
C. Reduce the urban heat island effect;
D. Enhance the beauty of the built environment; and
E. Enhance the privacy and welfare of citizens by separating incompatible land uses.
9.1.2. Applicability
A. The landscaping and buffering standards of this section shall apply to all proposed development Pursuant to NCGS 160D-102, any of the following: a. The construction, erection, alteration, enlargement, renovation, substantial repair, movement to another site, or demolition of any structure. b. The excavation, grading, filling, clearing, or alteration of land. c. The subdivision of land as defined in G.S. 160D-802. d. The initiation or substantial change in the use of land or the intensity of use of land. for which a site plan An accurately scaled development plan that shows existing conditions on a site as well as depicting details of proposed development., minor plat A map, chart or plan of a tract or parcel of land which is to be or which has been, subdivided., or preliminary plat A map indicating the proposed layout of a development and related information that is submitted for preliminary review. is required.
B. Land used toward achieving the requirements of the section need not hold the same zoning designation as the use to which the landscaping and buffer A portion of property designated to mitigate impacts between land uses or transportation routes, or to protect water features from pollutants. applies, unless the property is zoned with a development plan A type of plan that becomes part of the zoning of a property that establishes the level of development allowed absent further zoning action except as otherwise allowed or required under this Ordinance. showing all requirements met onsite. If the landscaping or buffer A portion of property designated to mitigate impacts between land uses or transportation routes, or to protect water features from pollutants. is not on site, the landscaping shall either be on the same lot or on contiguous property under the same permanent possession or control as the lot on which the use is located.